Rooty Hill RSL Hockey has a long history of hockey in the western Sydney region. Rooty Hill RSL Hockey club has been affiliated with West HQ formally known as Rooty Hill RSL Club since the mid 80's and is still to this day affiliated with them.
In 2022 we celebrated out 40th Anniversary and now we look forward to many years of Hockey. We are a family club and find that most of our members have their families and friends come to play for the Club.
We have long been a very social club and enjoy catching up after the game or even in the off season.
Please consider the Rooty Hill RSL Hockey Club, we would love to have you come down and join the club.
We have the following Junior teams
Under 8
Under 11
Under 13
Under 16
and the following Senior teams
1st Grade Women
2nd Grade Women
A Grade Men
B Grade Men
We would love to hear from you