
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started



Welcome to Rooty Hill RSL Hockey Club

2024 Registration 


Registration Details For 2024 Winter Competition

NEW PLAYERS - This is your 1st Year Playing Hockey or you were not registered previously

in 2023 - please select 'REGISTER'

RETURNING PLAYERS - You were Registered in 2023 - please select 'RENEW'

DUAL REGISTERED PLAYERS - If you have already registered for 2024 with a club within

another Association, please select 'RENEW'.

NOTE - If you are not sure then select 'REGISTER' and if your details have been previously

recorded, the system will recognise your name, date of birth etc. and suggest that


When you are choosing your fees for this season, please make sure that

you read all of them to make sure you are choosing the right one


if you are registering a Junior Player this year with an Active Kids voucher, please put the 

Active Kids voucher in and then choose their Age group 

Apply for an Active Kids voucher | Service NSW

Seniors the option for a part payment has not been set up as of yet this will however be done in mid February after our next meeting along with Fees for Goal keepers and Students.  

We have currently set up two options 

Option 1   Club   this is the full affiliated and club playing fees

Option 2  for those waiting for payment plans there is the registered affiliated option


If you are a Masters player and only playing in the Masters State Championship in 2024 you will have to pay your fees via

the Hockey NSW Website


In these uncertain times if you are having problems with paying fees

can you please contact us so that we can discuss with you alternate payment structure



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